This bike is in immaculate condition. you would not even believe how great it looks. always garaged. It has a limited Harley Davidson paint job. immaculate. All service done just as it should be. Every time it was ridden. it was cleaned top to bottom. it would pass for a new one if I did not tell you different. It runs great. screamin eagle pipes. stage one sreamin eagle kit. no issues at all with this bike. no leaks. no smoke. killer sound system. great seat and backrest added. front sliders chrome. floor boards chrome. there is way too much for me to mention. over $10k in extras. This is one you do not want to let get away. I am selling this for my brother-in-law. he bought a new 2015 Street Glide. I have ridden for 40+ years and this thing is immaculate. Beautiful Amber Whiskey paint with tribal effects. If you pass on it. you'll be sorry. it is Super Nice. Clear title in hand.