I bough this bike with 300 miles on it in '06. Never really rode it much. My back is broken in five places and after I purchased it I discovered it just hurts me too much to ride anymore. I held on to it hoping I could start riding again. I'm in the process of thinning out my project and toys. I realized that this one been sitting in the garage unloved since '09ish. so its time to let it go. The bike and everything I have that's related to it goes with the sale. What I have that goes with it. Sampson Big Gun 3 pipesPower CommanderOEM Harley backrest and luggage rackthree helmetsleather jacketMax and Willie saddle bagsDigital Guard Dawg security systemThe pictures you see are the bike as it sits and has sat for the last couple of years. I've drained and changed the gas every year. I start it a few times a year just to make sure oil is on everything internal. Installed a new battery last year and it has been on a Battery Tender the whole time. Bike has not been abused. It's never been wrecked. I did drop it in the driveway (nerve damage. put my leg down. it went out and the bike went on its side on top of me) So it has a few small dents. scratches. and dings. I've taken pictures of everything I know of and have a quarter placed next to them for size comparison. I work in a body shop and I could have all the bodywork done in less than an hour (not including dis-assembly). My starting price is my reserve. so you make a bid on this one and its yours. Compare it to what other people are asking. someone is going to get a deal. $500 deposit through paypal within 48 hours of auctions end. I would prefer the bike to be picked up within two weeks of sale and must be picked up within 30 days. I will not ship. I prefer cash.