I bought this bike in 2010. was an impulse buy. the next summer I bought a boat and that has been where I spend my time. the bike has been garaged all this time except for a few rides on really nice weather days. During the first year I added just about every piece of chrome made for this bike. too much to list but look at the pictures. Also saddle bags and Hynes slip on exhaust. has deep. loud throaty sound. The sound you want it to have. I paid $18. 00 for this bike new. I have added close to $3. 00 in chrome. everything they have. Pictures do not do this justice. The bike is kept in my finished basement all year. heated during the winter. I have the Harley fabric cover. battery tender also. This is ready for someone who will enjoy it. the bike deserves to be in the wind. oh. THIS BIKE ALSO HAD LOJACK INSTALLED BY DEALER AT TIME OF SALE. IF EVER STOLEN THEY CAN TRACK THE BIKE. EITHER LOCAL SALE/PICK UP OR THE BUYER HAS TO ARRANGE FOR AND PAY ALL TRANSPORT COST.