this bike is in mint condition. never once has it been dropped nor is there a scratch on it. the leather bags came with it when i purchased the bike. they could use a little oil but thats an easy fix. the bike has brand new tires. a brand new battery. all new turning signal bulbs as well as a new head light bulb. I take very good care of this bike so it is in prime condition. my father owned it before me and but never road it so i am the first to use it. it also only has 17. 00 miles on it. it comes with a front windshield that is kept in storage. also perfect condition. this bike is a dime. the only reason i'm selling it is because it's a little too large for me ( i'm 5'11-160lbs) also it's all chrome. the paint job is a dark purple/red and looks absolutely beautiful in the light. PICK UP & CASH ONLYI WILL TRADE FOR A *HARLEY DAVIDSON SPORTSTER 1200 CUSTOM*do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers