This bike is in very good shape. It operates as one might imagine a bike with less than 4. 00 miles should. The previous owner had ape hanger handlebars. a VRSCA Mustang seat with removable rider back rest. engine guard (with foot pegs) and Kerker exhaust installed. It also has factory saddle bags. a bike cover and a windshield. The handlebars make for an upright seating position and the seat is extremely comfortable. but does sit a little high since it is made for a VRSCA. I traded another vehicle for this bike and already have a VRSCA and am willing to negotiate if you do not want the seat with this bike. The factory seat sells for $200 here on ebay. I was told all work was done at the dealer and that it was garage kept. It does appear to be clean of any defects other than the chips on the lower rear edge of the front fender (typical from any street riding). Some touch up on the clear coat would be sufficient to bring it back to perfection. It has never been laid down and the brakes. clutch. transmission. engine and everything else all work like fresh off the factory floor. I've put a couple hundred miles on it around town. It has two keys with factory alarm and a blue led light kit installed. I am happy to provide more pictures and a video of it running. Your confidence and satisfaction are important to me so do not hesitate to contact me with any inquiries regarding the condition and purchase of this bike. Happy bidding!