Bike is really clean and has been well taken care of. Its a twin cam 88 carb engine with a 5 speed trans. Will come with the saddle bags in the pictures. removable travel bags that fit inside the leather bags for trips. an extra gel seat. the factory exhaust. as well as the vance and hines exhaust (The two into one pro-pipe in pics not the short shots). and the highway pegs that are on the bike. I also have a service manual and part manual I bought from the Harley Dealer that will come with the bike. great item to have if you plan to do your own maintenance. Has 37425 miles on it. Bike has a brand new battery in it from last year. Doesn't really need anything. Everything works on the bike and the only flaw to my knowledge is the small chip in the clear coat from a rock chip(can be seen in photo. and the rear tire will probably have to be replaced after this riding season. If you have any questions send me a message I will be more than happy to give you my phone number to call or text. Pictures don't do the bike justice it looks much better in person my camera just isn't too great.