This bike was restored about 31/2 years ago. I have receipts for all of the parts that have been replaced. The list is long. rom tires and tubes to cables to nuts and bolts. rakes. arbs rebuilt. xhaust pipes. attery. seat cover. earings and all brake parts. air filter. park plugs. nstrument light bulbs. ebuilt forks. ew mirrors. ew rear shocks. ir box to carb boots. nd many more. The paint is a candy apple Corvette color called Atomic Astec Orange. have a small scratch on the tank. stripped it down to just the engine left in the frame and painted the frame. very nut and bolt was cleaned. There is 685 miles on this restoration. The bike started right up and stops well. For a $100 I will sell a crash bar and a luggage rack with a passenger back rest. Selling this fine riding classic to fund my new ride.