I bought this bike to restore because I had one in High School. I spared no expense. I searched and found factory Honda NOS parts for almost everything. including even Honda bolts and nuts! Bike has professionally painted tank. frame. fenders. etc. at a cost of $900. 00 Then all wheels. tires. brakes. bearings. wiring harness. etc. replaced with factory Honda parts. Even the handlebar controls and speedo are brand new. and these are very hard to get. I have receipts for about $2. 00. 00 of parts. I have ridden it a bit since restoration. but only 29 miles. The engine ran fine when I got it. showing about 2300 miles. so I did not take apart. but cases were painted and covers polished. Sold with bill of sale only. as I bought it from a State which does not title older bikes. Please call with your questions. 714-397-1077.