This bike is mint!!! I bought it new. and unfortunately just am not getting any use out of it. It has under 1. 00 miles on it. and has never sustained any impact damage or been laid down. MotoPrimo in Lakeville. where it was purchased brand new. did the major 600 miles service on it early last spring. I have added a boulevard wind shield. Mustang saddle seat. rear passenger back rest with luggage rack. Well over $1000 in options. This bike has the beautiful mat black finish and I will throw in the cleaners I have for it. Feel free to ask to see it and as long as valid license produced even take it for a test ride. Price is $6500. 00 and when full payment is made purchaser may take possession. Will probably take a few days to obtain the final lien release from the bank as it is financed currently but title is in hand and ready to be signed. Let me know your questions. I am an ASE certified mechanic and currently a law student. so I know the importance of integrity and I assure you I offer full disclosure. No solicitation. I am not interested in any third party sellers. Key words: Honda. Suzuki. Yamaha. Harley. Motorcycle. Sport Bike