This is the one you want! I have spent countless hours making sure this bike is ready to go. I go through each bike to make sure it's operating properly as well aesthetically. It's in perfect condition and runs flawlessly. I spent hours making sure there were no issue with the operation of this bike. I have a 15 mile ride to work each way and I have taken the bike for a full week. Here is what has been done:1) Tires. tubes. and straps2) Paint on all plastic with true auto body clear coat. The decals are all brand new. This isn't your home job in the garage. the clear coat is rock hard. 3) New cables4) New levers5) New Mirrors6) New battery7) New top end. I went through and changes all the gaskets for leaks. I changed the rings while I was in there. The points were cleaned. valves adjusted. and timing dialed in. 8) The cylinder was painted with a fresh coat of high temp black9) Carburetor was rebuilt with new gaskets and cleaned thoroughly10) Heavy duty rear shocks 11) New Buddy Seat12) Engines cases polished to a mirror shine13) New speedometer. The original was not working. The miles listed on that speedometer was 3297. That is why the photo doesn't match the description. 14) Rare rear reflector was sourced and replaced to original. I haven't fired up the bike in a month. I went back in my shop last week and it fired dead cold on the second kick. This is a great bike for a collector or just for cruising around. There are two keys and they work for the auxiliary gas tank. front fork lock. and ignition. There are 3 items I want to make note of:1) Tiny tear in seat. I didn't want to recover the seat because it's original to the bike2) The front fender has a small ding (I haven't found one yet that doesn't have one and I have owned well over 6 of them)3) The last name of the original owner is carved into the front upper frame. I think it's cool and adds that nostalgic feel to the time period. Please feel free to ask any questions. I know these bikes inside and out and have spent years restoring them. The pictures should speak for themselves. Now is the time to hit the road in this beauty and cruise around the neighborhood or take it camping all summer long. GOOD LUCK!