The bike is in good condition! regular oil changes! No tears or cuts in seats. No Rust. Has new chain. horn. NEW TIRES. Clutch & front brake levers (CRG). New lithium battery!! (WPS). New windscreen. Aftermarket plate holder. aftermarket full exhaust. Led lights under front and rear tires. Has new fairings but could use a paint touch up in some areas but cant notice unless under a light. Clean titleprev owner put full exhaust and never got it tuned so the bike needs a tuneprev owner also lowered the bike a little bitI have most of the receipts/paperwork of what i have done to the bike. (Nothing from prev owner) I Bought from private seller!!!! NO PAYPAL!!!!I'm in Northern Michigan you can come to me or pay for the bike to be shipped. $7. 00 OBFI don't need the bike gone just looking for options