I am the original owner of this bike; it was purchased new from a dealer around May of 2014. I have followed the maintenance schedule. and everything is in GREAT shape. There are only 775 miles on the bike. Very easy to ride; great for new riders or anyone who wants something great on gas mileage but still fun to ride. Fast enough for the highway. but tame enough for anyone to handle. The only things that I have done to the bike are add a Puig windscreen. and remove part of the bolt on license plate bracket so the plate doesn't hang down as low. I also removed some of the stick on graphics. Everything else is stock and in like-new condition. I have the Ohio title in hand. ready to be notarized. I can also throw in a Scorpion helmet. a pair of gloves and a jacket with removable rain liner. I also have some rim tape that I never got around to putting on. a nice cover. and a battery tender to add. I will not ship. buyer must pick up bike in person.