I purchased this bike in hopes to restore it. but its been sitting in the garage for two years and haven't touched it. Just don't have the time so I am going to sell it. Custom bars. I think the exhaust is custom. new front tire. I have chrome and black rear shocks. new front disc brake pads. gasket set for the motor. piston rings. exhaust o rings. new stainless motor fasteners. cylinder studs. three cans of flat black motor paint. fork seals. and just put in a brand new battery. Motor runs good and rides good. I just bought the parts to freshen it up when I was to take it all apart to restore everything. I haven't ridden it much other than down the street though. Needs some work as you can tell from the pictures. but with the parts I have. some spokes. rear tire. and a few other parts it would be a good bike. Will ship. but buyer pays and deals with all shipper. *The shiny spot on the exhaust was from me sanding it to see what the finish underneath it looked like. I wanted to strip off the black and be bare metal. but again. never got around to doing it. Just forgot to touch it up with paint again.