This is a really great bike. Great color, right, old, o fading. Bike has original exhaust, eat, nd newer battery. This is the last year CB200T and was put out by Honda as an answer to California's emission regulations in the 70's. The bike has smaller carburetors than the CB175, uieter exhuasts, nd gets better gas mileage. This is a wonderful commuter with plenty of power for 70+mph. Great for around town. This is all you need for commuting in the summer with great colors and low miles. Has low miles and is ready to ride.Everything on it is original. Soft seat, erfect chrome, hiny paint (small dent right front tank), erfect frame and paint, right gauges, verything works, tarts, uns, nd shifts like new. This is a real collector with the parakeet yellow being only offered for one year. Comes with bill of sale only. If you have any questions or want to see the bike, lease feel free to contact me via text or call 402 367 8509. Blessings, orey