This is my husband's bike. He has owned it since new. We are selling it because he hasn't ridden it more than 100 miles in the past 2 years since our daughter's birth. It has a clear title and low mileage. 9545 miles. Bike has been garage kept since new. The motorcycle is very clean with only minor surface rust on the bottom of the radiator cover (see picture).The saddlebags are leather and are considered quick release. There are padlocks on the saddlebags. My husband just changed the oil last month. The tires are approximately 3 years old and the engine was tuned up about 2 years ago. The brake pads are original and are approximately 3/4 life. There is a hookup for an mp3 player or iPod. The exhaust and mirrors are custom. The air filter cover is aftermarket (see picture for detail). windshield is scratch free and is tinted at the bottom. There are aftermarket driving lights, hrome engine crash bars with foot boards and passenger back rest. The brake lights flash 3 times and then stay steady when brakes are activated. Bike is sold as is with no warranty. Buyer is responsible for all shipping costs.