This bike is an incredible example of a survivor. It is all original down to the tires which look new. They aren't cracked or aged and still have the nubs on the tires! The seat is perfect. chrome is great. and it runs like new with only 84 original miles! Gas tank is clean only a smudge of rust at the very bottom. This is a true survivor. not a restoration. This bike was bought new in Seattle. WA and licensed through 1971. It was ridden 84 miles and then parked in the original owner's apartment until about 1982. It was then moved into a garage where it sat until 2015. I got a job working with the owner and he offered to sell it to me because he was older and had no intention of ever riding it again. I brought it home. rebuilt the carburetor. charged the battery. and put in fresh gas and it started right up. Because it sat for so long. the title is long gone. I've confirmed with State Dept. of Licensing that it is not registered and there is no history of it in their system. Will provide this proof from the State and a bill of sale to buyer. I have posted a video of it on YouTube. Search for 1970 Honda Trail 90 that was posted on 2/21/15. I am selling locally and reserve the right to cancel this auction should I sell it before close of auction.