Selling my absolutely beautiful Shadow Spirit due to finances needed for other things. This bike has never seen harsh weather or anything undesirable and has always received only the best care. Kept in a climate controlled garage and fully charged with Battery Tender, t is ready to hop on and ride anywhere. being adult owned, t has not seen any sillymodifications or customizing but I have upgraded a few things over stock. Primarily the flat stock seat was replaced in favor of a wonderful Mustang two piece seat and the chrome back rest, uggage rack and leather tank belt are all OEM Honda and not some cheap aftermarket items. I am also including a few different bags as I had planned on riding more than I actually did. All the bags are brand new as well. Once you see this bike, ou will find the underside of the frame is as clean as the shiny, eguiar's maintained blue finish on the tank and fenders and it needs absolutely nothing. In all honestly, would love to keep it but my personal situation says otherwise but I am being fair on price for such a wonderful bike. I have several helmets available separately too if you are interested. This bike gets nothing but compliments when I have it out and about - people love the beautiful blue and chrome combination.