Bike runs like new. starts every time cold or hot. Has lots of power. has been maintained in great condition____________ . Orange Cream color combination. Corbin King/Queen seat with orange trim. I bought this bike for my son. He is off to Collage and I just cant get the extra time to ride and take care of the bikes we have. I don't want to sell this one but also don't want it to sit un-enjoyed. This bike has a lot of OLD SCHOOL CLASS riding down the road. Long or short ride she rides comfortable. You don't find bikes this old in this good of condition. THIS BIKE IS A TRUE CRUSIER-- SHE FLOATS DOWN THE ROAD AND YET WILL GET IT QUICK IF YOU WANT!!! There are minor scratches on this bike but all you really have to look for them -- if you want exact close up pictures I will provide -- But as you see the bike speaks for itself Be aware the mileage will change as I will continue to ride it some on the weekend to keep fuel moving through it --I'm the second owner--Cost of shipping is buyers responsibility -- I will help in the arrangement's on this end --- Cover will go with it PLEASE DO ALL QUESTIONS THROUGH E-BAY SO ALL BIDDERS MAY SEE --- I HAVE THIS BIKE FOR SALE LOCAL ALSO SO RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CANCEL AUCTION ---