This Auction is for 1969 Honda SL90. this bike been with my father collection for very long time. The bike does have good compression and spark. The bike has been sitting for month. It was running just fine and will just need a good tune up and fresh gas. The bike does shift through all gears. Throttle feels good. Clutch works. brakes work. All around a very nice looking bike for being 46 years old. The bike does not have title and only bill of sale. Tires look good. Chrome looks good on the bike. Tank looks good. Paint looks good on bike. but the headlight paint is faded on top and as well on top of front fender. Seat looks good and do not see any tears. I have taken pictures as best i can of the bike and it honestly just not give it justice. for how nice it is in person. Please email me with any questions you may have on the bike or if you need more pictures. This bike is sold as is all sales final. Buyer must pay within 3 days. As well i can hold the bike for short period of time only if buyer pays the full amount. Thank you for looking and happy bidding!! good luck