Just a super nice CB750 out of my collection of bikes. I purchased this bike from the original owner and it has always been garage kept. When he purchased the bike new in 76 he immediately replaced the seat with a king/queen and put the original on the shelf so the seat is basically NOS and has very little mileage. nbsp; The bike runs. shifts and stops very nicely. however it is loud as as I removed the baffles from the mufflers. Pretty much everything works on the bike with the exception of the turn signals. They light but do not flash. Tires are old. Taillight lens is cracked. Battery is new. What makes this bike so nice is that it has been kept well and dry. is essentially a one owner. was unabused and the chrome and other components are so clean. It would be a simple restoration for a high end bike. One side cover has a crack and the other has been repaired and repainted and while the color is a good match it lacks metallic. Tank is dent free and has nice original paint. Questions are welcomed at (920) 382-7422 and I will add details as necessary.