This bike has exceptionally low miles on it. It is dependable but has been replaced by a 1300cc Honda. The bike is in great condition with the following minor issues. It is missing one 10mm cap bolt for the luggage rack. has minor dents from when my sissy bar and saddlebags were forcibly removed. a slight dent in the front right fork chrome cover (the fork itself is perfect). the existing fork lock has been broken (I have the replacement for you). the right side battery cover lock is also broken (no replacement but the cover is in perfect condition). light scratches on the front fender in the clear coat. I was told it needs #6 Maquire clearcoat finishing compound to clean up. It could use some chrome cleaner! That's it. It has a lockable aftermarket trunk with back rest and I have the original sissy bar and pad (which is included in the sale price).