This bike has less than 20 hrs on the motor since it was converted into a Hill Climb bike in 2010. It raced in the Pro Hillclimb series as national number 68. This bike is very fast and will climb about any hill out there. It has been ridden very little because it is a purpose built race only machine (hillclimb races last less than 20 seconds) The frame has been polished and the engine has been professionally tuned. It has bolt on swingarm extensions and they will extend the axle about 13 inches past stock. I still have all the hardware for the rear brake but it is not on the bike. I have over $6k invested. Here are a list of mods to the bike:- JE high compression piston (13. 5:1). - Leo Vince exhaust pipe. - Professionally ported head. - The rear suspension was professionally re-sprung and revalved (the rebound was slowed down) for hillclimb. - K&N Air filter. - SunRims (3. 75" wide) Rear Rim with a Skat Track Dominator 14 paddle Tire (about 70% life left on it). For anymore questions about the bike call me at 3093693741.