This bike's previous owner was a professional rider who took maticulous care of it and only rode it for a year until I bought it. I have only put 15 hours at most on this bike with its newly rebuilt top end. and just don't have the time to ride it. The bike gets started weekly and goes for a spin around the yard to keep everything working properly. It is in good shape and has new parts including new chain guide. chain. front and rear sprockets. fork seals. battery. and a spare set of tires. Plastics in good condition also. This bike has a lot of torque and is a lot of fun! The only issue I have ever had is with the electric start. sometimes it needs encouraging and this consideration is put into the price. I have usually used the kick start anyway and have no problems. Since the bike does not have an odometer. the "mileage" is how many hours have been put on the dirt bike in total. Buyer comes to pick up the bike in Wilmington. North Carolina. Payment is due by money order only. at the time of pick up and comes with bill of sale. Buyer pays their own transportation costs. I am happy to answer any questions. take any more photographs or even send a video of the bike on request.