This bike is senior owned and absolutely immaculate. Its had about 30 hours on it since new and just received $1000's in upgrades all with ZERO time on them. Bike is very powerful yet very easy to ride. Its an ideal trail bike for a moderate to very experienced rider. Extremely nimble. stable and light feeling. These Italian built Husky's are waaaaaaaaay under-rated. I have owned and still do own KTM bikes and this is every bit the quality of the KTMs. Same type of build quality and probably more durable. Bike has had a full Factory Connection suspension revalve (KYB fork. not Marzocchi. shock is a Sachs). added Magura hydraulic clutch. Fastway footpegs. Cycra bark busters. replaced the carb with new Keihin PWM that has been machined by RB Designs (39mm taper bore and torque wing plate added) and a JD Jetting jet kit. V Force reeds with the gasket mod (placing one at each end to prevent an old known issue on this motor). I also added a milled head done by RB Designs and have a brand new stock head in the package still if you find you want it more tame. It has a Scotts steering dampner mount. new bars and grips and levers and red Kevlar/SS brake lines. upgraded the front end with new YZF450 fender and number plate. All other plastic and graphics are also new. Carbon Fiber fork guards and custom made Carbon Fiber frame guards from Italy. Silicone hoses just added along with Engine Ice coolant. great tires with just a couple rides on them. Sprockets and chain and chain guide are all brand new with no riding time yet as is the FMF pipe and silencer. Tons of other stuff too like the trick anodized brake rotor guards. If you are a two stroke fan and like to ride trails or open desert type areas. you owe it to yourself to look at this bike. These Italian machines just before KTM bought the company are way under-rated and just not many out there. Many of the current owners came off of KTM's and would not go back. they just love the handling. power and durability this bike has become known for with just a few simple tweaks of the carb. For sale locally too so email me or txt me at 4oh4 3888four57 if you are serious about the bike. No offers below my asking price please. I have over double this in the bike. THIS IS NOT A STOCK OR TYPICAL USED BIKE. Shipping the bike is not a problem. I can work with your shipper and communicate with them to make arrangements to get the bike picked up near my home or work. I do have a forklift and big truck access at work if needed. Thanks for viewing.