This bike is a survivor. It is a real matching number bike. It is an early 48. It has not been restored but its not totally original. It has had things done to it over the years to keep it going. I think it is original paint on the rear fender. chain guard. and belt guard. I think the front fender and tanks have been painted at some point. It starts and runs good. It will pop out of first gear if you get after it very hard but other than that it is great. I did rewire it and added the cycle ele. generator. I do have the original gen. but no regulator. It has a new ing. switch and dash and repro speedo. Fender light and headlight is original. I stripped and sealed the tanks and put on new petcocks and fuel lines. new stop switch and speedo cable. It has an M88 carb but was rebuilt to Indian spec. I also put in a new clutch. All the lights. horn and speedo work like they should. I will be happy to answer any questions via email but would prefer you call me at 620 232 2692 or on my cell at 620 687 2908. Thank you On Mar-15-15 at 14:06:07 PDT. seller added the following information:I wanted to add that I could help with delivery in a few different ways. Also no sales outside the US.