This bike is offered by the 82 year old original owner. It has the original S&S engine. only 7000 miles on it. has been in storage last two years. Optional extras include Indian head air cleaner. OEM saddlebags w/Spirit logo. W/W tires. SS oil lines. It is black accented w/gold pin striping. Engine guards emergency starter solenoid actuator switch. This is one of the last ones made purchased new in December 2003. It has been started monthly while in storage. New Battery. Probably the finest Spirit on the market. Shop manual & owners manual included. I have been a collector of antique motorcycles and automobiles for many years and now getting down on the collection. Can be purchased without the bags (but they are original SPIRIT BAGS rare). The bike is in our Florida home in the Tampa Bay Area and can be seen by appt. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE. I CAN DO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING AND HELP GET BIKE TO LOCATION FOR SHIPPING.