This a great commuter bike or starter bike for younger riders. Very comfortable ride. fast enough. but not a crotch-rocket. Bike weighs only 400 lbs and is a very easy ride. Low miles and in excellent condition. Ready to ride – needs no work! Lots of maintenance in the past year including: two new tires. new front turn signal lights. recent valve adjustment. steering adjustment. brake pads. and oil change (Ams Oil). The only thing wrong with this bike is it’s missing “Ka” in one of the Kawasaki emblems on the gas tank. Battery trickle-charger and bike cover included. The original owner was an older gentleman who had several bikes. He sold it to a guy in 2012 who rode it only a few months before selling it to me. We put 4K miles on it and maintained it well. It's been garage kept most of its life.