I have had the bike for almost 4 years. It has always run great and never given me a single problem. Serviced regularly. Just expired extended warranty that I never had to use. it never needed anything. Upgraded the exhaust with the Muzzy muffler pictured. Comes with two nice riding jackets. One is solid leather for colder weather and the other is mesh for warmer. Both size Large. Also comes with almost new black articulating helmet which lifts in the front and retails for around $200. size Medium (fits my 7 1/8-7 1/4 head). Plus. a brand new Bridgestone Battlax rear tire un-mounted. Will include the very nice all-weather BiLT cover which fits the 2007 perfectly as well. It's a great bike for the beginner or seasoned vet and this is basically an entire package in one. ready to ride and have tons of fun. Kawasaki Ninja 650 + $600 of extrasFulmer Articulating Helmet - MediumNew Bridgestone Rear Tire2 nice riding jackets - 1 Leather and 1 fabric mesh. with pads - size largeBiLT all-weather bike coverPayments accepted: Paypal. cashier's check. money order. cash.