1980 Kawasaki KDX175. 2 owner bike. This bike is in amazing original condition for the year. I bought the bike from the original owner. well actually I bought the bike from his wife while he was out of town ( glad I wasn't around for that convo when he got home). Anywho. the bike has what I believe is the original front tire the rear has been replaced though. The plastics are in really nice shape for the age. they do show some scratches here and there. but hey it is a dirt bike. The chamber has a slight indention at the head pipe but nothing that effects performance. The lights will need new bulbs but all of the hard ware is there. the seat is near perfect with only a very small tear in the bottom back left corner. the bike runs and rides fine but could probably stand a little better carb tuning than I'm capable of. It has a brand new twin air filter and a new plug and fresh oil change. brakes are good. The bike does have a set of aftermarket bark busters added to it. that if the winner of the bid doesn't want I'll subtract $50 from the final sale price and keep them. grips are fairly new. If you're looking for a great low mileage. vintage bike that's ready to go. or a solid collector for you green guys this is a pretty darn nice original bike. Come take her home . my Hondas are starting to get jealous.