This is a one owner bike perfect for the beginner who wants to learn with a bike that's fun and not too powerful. I just installed a new battery on 5/10/15 the red plastic was professionalrepainted the tires and chain are fairly new mileage wise. The bike looks great and runs very well. It does show some signs of wear and tear as it does have some mileage on it 33K miles. The seat has a few tears that I have mended with black seam repair tape. The very top of the forks show some signs of rust and the handle bar area has some scratches from the key chain. Over all though it's in great shape. I used to ride the bike often but I have grown out of it and looking to sell it. It has never been laid down at speed or wrecked in any way. It was painted because the plastic was fading and some minor imperfections that needed repair. I am the original owner and have serviced the bike with Mobil 1 from its first oil change.