Beautiful bike with low miles The bike has been in storage for the last year but new battery was just installed. Reason for not riding was an injury to my armwhich prevented me operating the clutch. The bike is a beautiful black with copper trim and copper colored valve covers on the engine. Bike needs a good cleaning after storage and I noticed a smallamount of surface rust on some small areas which are easily corrected. Spots on the chrome andlittle spot on the frame. The left side cover next to let has ahelmet rub spot where I hung my extra helmet. All very minor cosmetic points. I see similar bikes selling for 5 to 6 thousand dollars so I'm pricing this to sell. This bike has never been in an accident or laid down. Mid life crises which I barely used and I don't see reason to keep it if I'm not going to ride. This is local pickup only and buyer assumes all responsibility for shipping. Once buyer takespossession there are no refunds.