This bike was bought new by my wife and I back in the spring of 2013. It was unridden, nused, nd unpacked. We have been the only owners and users since new. The bike is in good condition. It was never in an accident but the first week we had it, y daugher ran her dirt bike into the front plastic. It has an an imperfection about 1/4 inches and you would never notice unless you were within inches of the bike. Even knowing it was there, had to really look long and hard to find it. Other than that, here is a few very minor scratches, arely noticable at best. The little round reflector was taken off as well, nd I was going to take the mounting bracket off a while ago but did not. The bike has 3453 miles on it. It runs very well and shifts exactly how it is supposed to. The brakes, lutch and signals are all in good shape as well. As a 250cc bike, t is great on gas and can easily acheive 75 miles per gallon or more, hile being a blast to drive. Great beginner bike or for cheap transportation. Feel free to come down and check it out prior to buying or making an offer. Located in Boyertown, A.