This bike is in great condition and is ready to ride! It's my third and favorite Concours but I have another one (which I plan to strip naked) and I am in a serious financial dilemma at this time so I must sell it asap. I'll include the hard cases and racks (which aren't shown in the photos I'm including) and the top case rack for a Givi case as well. The bike also has a relatively new windscreen (I can't think of the brand at the moment but it's the much favored one) and 1 inch handlebar risers added on. It's still insured and the registration and inspection is good until April so I can deliver the bike locally or you can arrange to have it shipped. I will not sell or ship internationally though. I'm having trouble uploading the most current photos from my phone but I'll get them up later or if you're seriously interested. I can text them to you.