This is a beautiful bike. looks and runs like a brand new bike off the showroom floor. Bike has only 850 miles on it (yes that's right. 850 but will go up a few when the weather gets nice)Was originally purchased by a 70+ year old gentlemen who decided the bike was too much for him to handle. I purchased the bike last summer with 400 miles on it. rode it a handful of times and it is an amazing bike. but unfortunately I am forced to sell it. Bike is bone stock with the exception of "roaring toyz" adjustable lowering links in the rear. and a "big boys" shorty exhaust (which sounds amazing). I have all stock parts to bike and they will be included in the sale. Bike is a real head turner. it has never been abused in any way. I drive like a grandma. I just love the look and sound of a sport bike. I cant stress enough. this bike is like brand new. It is truly a beautiful motorcycle. Bike sold AS-IS with no warranty. Reserve the right to end auction at any time due to bike being sold locally.