This is a 2012 KTM RC8 in perfect condition. This bike has a little over 2500 miles on it. I also have a matching black one that belonged to my wife with less than 2000 miles in another auction. Bike has never been wet. Ridden with my wife around the mountains of North Carolina. Bike is stock with only adjustable levers and reverse shift linkage. These bikes don't need anything. The last four bikes I have owned from 2009 until buying these bike were Ducati 848, amaha R1 (split crank), prillia RSV4, nd a BMW s1000RR These KTM's are by far the best out of the box street bikes that I have ever ridden period. Very fun to ride and get tons or attention because they are rare. There is no need for after market parts. The suspension is spot on. All the riding controls are adjustable like the rear sets and ride height etc... We just don't ride any more. They have been serviced and oil changed. I start and ride around the block every few months. Have not been on a real ride since 2013 summer. I owe $6800 on this bike and will pay off as soon as I get a bid or a buyer. Local bank so I should be able to get title same day. I will supply better pictures on demand.