I am the 3rd owner of this bike. The first owner only road it once and then didn't ride it again. The second owner purchased the bike and road it a few times before selling it to me. He had one fall and decided it was too powerful for him (hence the dents on the muffler). He also added several new muffler guards (original ones are included in the sale) and added custom decals with "Mean Machine" and "58 HP" on them. I am including some spare decals along with the sale. He raced in the "B" category. Since I've had the bike, 've rode it mostly on an open field and a couple times at a motocross track. Water got into the engine and I have to replace the piston and rings - all done by the KTM dealer. Since then I rode it about 40 hours total with no problems. I'm selling the bike because I am moving overseas. For videos on the bike:https://youtu.be/Mh1k4mtvMUQ