This bike is insanely fun on and off road! With the original dirt wheels and tires it handles the trails amazingly as it should. It takes 10 minutes to change it out to the SuperMoto wheels and tires and the the bike has ridiculous road performance for commuting or racing(hasn't been raced). I am the second owner and the bike has only been adult owned and maintained. The original owner bought aftermarket plastics and immediately replaced them. The bike comes with all the original Champions Edition plastics(see pics) which are all in new condition. The seat was also replaced with a softer one so the bike comes with the original seat as well which is in new condition. It has an aluminum engine plate which was installed since new. The bike has a TrailTech Voyager computer with GPS. speedo. odometer. map. engine temp. altitude. outside temp. etc. etc. It comes with extra sprokets and chain. All the original equipment is included with the bike. The SuperMoto set is Warp 9 wheels and Continental tires(set retails for over $1. 00). It is registered for the street in Delaware and has a clean title with no lean. The bike is ready to go and it absolutely won't disappoint!Local pick up and delivery only. I require $1. 00. 00 deposit within 24 hours of end of auction and full payment within 7 days.