This is a very nice bike, ot perfect but very nice. The chrome is very good. Paint has a few small scatches mostly on top of side bag lids. Motor runs as it should, ranny shifts as it should. Front tire is close to new, ear tire is OK. The trunk isM.G. (made for this bike) and is brand new. Outer spark plugs are new, otor oil and rear end oil are new.Bike will be sold where is as is,no warranty.Buyer is responsable for pickup or shipping I amthird owner. .As far as I know bike, aint, hrome is all original. $500.00 due by paypal 24 hours after auction has closed.The $500.00 be nonrefundable.Complete payment due buy seven days after auction has closed. Of corse payment in full must be before bike leaves. Bike has 15425 miles on it.This auction will run complete. Email with any questions and I will answer the best I can.The second owner told me that the fuel line and pump situation in the tank was taken care of. This Bike has the original tool kit with it. Again this is a very nice bike.