The Norton Commando is rated by Classic Bike magazine as one of the most reliable and user friendly British Classics available today and you would be hard pressed to find a better example than this. Every safety and reliability upgrade recommended in the International Norton Owner’s Association Tech Digest has been carried out, lus a few more to guarantee many years of trouble free excitement. This is a solid rider but could be a show bike with a little TLC.
For auction is a 1971 Fastback with 8,011original miles. I’ve had the bike in my collection for 4 years; the previous owner was a knowledgeable Norton enthusiast and made the following upgrades at around the 6K mark:
ENGINE. Cylinder head rebuild by Mick Hemmings, ew pistons and pins, ore Tech carbide cylinder lining, iwi Engineering rebuild of the cases, rank shaft and rods; installation of a heavy duty bearing on the timing side and a Superblend on the drive side, andervell connecting rod bearings, MR anti-wet sump modification, 50 crankcase breathing modification, MA timing chain tensioner, MR carburetor upgrade and new gaskets throughout.
TRANSMISSION. bushings and gears checked (all OK), -ring seals replaced with modern ones by AMR; Dyno Dave clutch seal, arnett clutch plates and cable.
BRAKES AND SUSPENSION - Front and rear brake rebuild by Heinz Kegler, ew wheel bearings front and back, rogressive front springs, ovenant rebound conversion, agon rear shocks, emmings Venier isolastics, pgraded head steady, pgraded graced swing arm (factory), D rear brake swing arm pivot brace, xternal swing arm lube and oil reserve, pgraded rear brake drum (factory), D rear brake cable, ear brake safety spring.
ELECTRICAL. Boyler/Podtronics ignition upgrade, 80 watt alternator.
EXTERNALS. Braided stainless steel oil lines, ick Hemming’s hand formed aluminum tank, issioger rebuild guages, 50 type oil system, kyking bar end mirror, echromed ot new shiny bits, von Super Venom tires.
FAULTS. The bike had a minor garage tip over and received the following damage: small ding at the end of the right side exhaust, achometer housing scuffed and speedometer glass broken. See close up photos of these areas.
The bike has the original European handle bars, ot the unfortunate “high rise” bars sent on most of the US sold bikes. The hand made, tainless Hemmings fuel tank is a showstopper! Massachusetts title in hand.