Bought this bike last year from a MX racer/collector up near Seattle. Came as is. no title (MX bikes this old generally dont have titles). I picked up from the guy a spare frame. fork and swingarm that were period correctly painted back in the early 90's. I have had ZERO time to work on the bike. It saddens me but I need to part with it. I havent had a chance to dig into it at all. Condition unknown of engine. bike rolls. nd everything is shown in the photos. Would make a great conversion to an enduro style so you can register it with lights and tails. Year is unknown. but guessed to be 1970. Title is non existent. Bike is sold as is. Can deliver to most of Oregon and Washington. Pickup is entirely up to the buyer. Dont ask me to ship the bike :)Ronal R8 wheels pictured do not come with the bike. Took advantage of sunny day to clean out the garage a bit. :)