This is the bike of my grandfather. He bought it. but did not use. This bike was made in Belarus in 1970. This is a very rare model. 100% authentic. He had never been repaired and painting. Sold as is!This is a unique chance to get a 100% original retro mtotsikl 1970!Very few of these bikes in their original form. There's also a document on this bike!Delivery to Europe!Any questions - write me!"Minsk" M105 - lightweight road bike double of the family of motorcycles "Minsk" of the Minsk motorcycle. bicycle factory (BSSR. Minsk. the modern name - JSC "Motovelo"). Produced from 1967 to 1971. Engine Single cylinder. air-cooled two-channel and return flushing. The cylinder head is made of aluminum alloy with a decompressor. Engine model M105 was finalized: in this model plant for the first time applied instead-cast iron cylinder liner cast iron embedded in the aluminum cooling jacket. which improved its heat. carried out to improve the performance. the engine has a new upgraded carburetor K-36M. applied the bearing of the bottom head rod with a separator instead of bronze bushings. modified exhaust system. installed a new muffler. resulting in the received power 7 hp at 5500 rev / min [1]. Engine requires a mixture of fuel oil and gasoline in the ratio of 1:25.