This bike has less then 100 miles on it (at the time of listing) and is basically brand new. Ridden only a few times. I aquired a back injury and can no longer ride it. This bike lists new at over $5000. 00 so this should be a real steal for someone. It is missing a mirror (easily replaced) and has a front guard that is not installed in the pictures. Electric start with an array of options that will have you enjoying the wind in your face as you cruise at up to 50 mph. not bad for a scooter. It does need another battery because it has sat so long without being run. I am the original owner and purchased it through a west coast dealer a couple of years ago. The purchaser will be responsible for the transporting of the scooter after purchase. 7 days after the bidding has completed there will be a storage fee for the scooter at a rate of $10. 00 dollars a day unless otherwise agreed to different terms by both parties.