This is a REWACO trike built in Germany. it has a VW engine and 4 speed w/reverse VW transaxle. The operators seat can be adjusted by loosening and re-positioning. the brake and clutch pedals are adjustable with 3 positions available. There have been added extra driving lights and an additional brake light on the trunkIt has an AOOGA horn installed. the original horn and wiring are still in placeThere is a trailer hitch installed with flat pin wiring harness installed for running and brake lights. directional signals are operated by a separate system on the trike. not like US bikes and cars and trailer doesn't have directional's The rear tires were installed in 2013. new battery in 2013Have factory parts manual(in German) and operators manual(in English)The trailer is an Escape Diamond purchased in 2011. it has been unused in the past 3 years. tongue has some corrosion from exposure(see photo)We are the second owners. purchased used in December of 2006. Miles may increase. still in useThe trike and trailer are used without any warranty and purchased as-is. The only damage repair has been a fiberglass repair to the left fender(see photo). The body has marks and dings from riding. The chrome engine accessories show their age have pitting from exposure and are not newThe exhaust is a painted aftermarket and was installed in 2007Trike will be available for inspection by appointmentBuyer responsible for all taxes and feesBuyer responsible for pick-up or shipping$500. 00 deposit made within 24 hours balance due at pick-up by cash or cashiers check. Subject to prior sale. for sale locally