I have and have had several of these bikes. this is a nice conditioned bike. it has the original type of large coffin fuel tankit has had some work. it has some putty in it I am sure. it is cracking a little. not the best. the bike starts runs and drives this is a dual brake bike. front and rear drum that stop the bike pretty good. the rear cable is cracked a little I had this bike powder coated the closest color to a correct type of yellow that matched original parts. tires are good. and hold airI have an original front chain guard that is in place. I had a rack made that will go with this bike. it needs its final bending and fitment. but its available to the new owner of this bike this has the correct engine. power bee and a correct hl 134a carb rebuilt by non other thenmark wood. the recoil starter needs new fiber washers. it doesn't rewind all the way. I will work on that. it has a kreitzman exhaustwhich is original as well this is a pretty cool bike. seat was bead blasted and a new cover was installed. the front and rearmiter boxes are perfect. spin great. the universal joint is missing the center rubber cover. so it can't be greased as it is. chains are newer. and I did not remove the adjusting bolts when I had it powdercoated. my bad. they need to be removed and cleaned if you desire to. all in all this a nice bike I have spent a lot in powder coating and it will be a great part of your collection ask all questions sold as is where isno title as they never issued them back in the day thanks