This bike is beautiful and in incredible condition. I bought it from a friend. the original owner. who stored it in his home. not his garage. but inside his home since it was new. The carburetors were just rebuilt less than a month ago by a professional. so there are absolutely no issues with this bike other than the two cosmetic flaws pictured. This bike has never been laid down and has a free and clear title. If you're looking for a new bike at a used bike price then COME ON IN because here it is. Even the tires look like they were just put on yesterday. These bikes were around $6500 new. I have this one priced at just barely over half of the original new price and it is in nearly the same condition as it was when it left the assembly line. I know you may be shopping for a great deal. but if you're in the market for a bike and you're looking for something that hasn't been molested and treated rough and you're just buying for the simple joys and pleasures that owning and riding a nice bike can bring then you really need to put this one at the top of your list. You are basically getting a brand new bike for half of the price and you won't have to worry about anything because the bike has not been abused and really hasn't even been fully broken in. Now that being said. MAKE ME AN OFFER!!! This bike is great. but I need something a little more family oriented. This is the last time I plan to list because of the fee charged for listing. so I can't afford to keep re-listing. If you have any questions at all or would like more pics or anything please don't hesitate to ask. I would be happy to help you out. Buy with confidence. 100% feedback. Also. I can possibly meet or deliver for a small fee if it's within a reasonable distance. I don't mind to travel a little bit but I don't want to be on the road for a couple of days either.