Nothing is wrong with this bike. looks nice and runs great. Has only 9693 miles. I just don't have time to ride anymore. but bike speaks for itselfI've tried to take pictures as detailed as possible. but if you would like to see additional or specific pictures. and are serious about acquiring it. just let me know. Bike is mainly stock with the exception of Windscreen and Yoshi Pipe that were added. Installed new Michelin tires with less than 100 miles on them. Bike is paid off and title is free and clear. Comes with rear seat and cowl2 helmets and 2 Jackets (Cortech (L) and Rev'it (XL))BIKE CAN BE SHIPED IF NEEDED. A 500. 00 NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT DUE AT THE END OF AUCTION AND THE BALANCE WITHIN 3 DAYS. ANY QUESTIONS FEEL FREE TO CALL 973-801-5050 HAPPY BIDDING