I bought this bike about 2 yrs ago thinking that I was going to learn how to ride in the dirt. I took the bike out to a construction site where there was some dirt and that is all the dirt the bike has ever seen. I have put on less than 30 miles on the bike. The bike is spotless and looks pretty much brand new. The only issue could be some streaks on the fenders from polishing. The previous owner is the one thatput on the few miles. He was a fanatic about how clean he kept the bike. He wouldput a cloth on nuts that needed to be removed so that they would not get scratched. There are no problems with the bike and it runs great. I would have had to change the tires and thewheels if I was going to get involved in dirt riding and just do not have the time. I am 62 year old professional so I did not abuse the bike. You will be happy to buy this bike and not pay the cost of a new one. I do not ship and local pickup only. I would drive it to a location within 50 miles for a fee and ride back to my home in Naperville, L. Any questions just ask. Thanks for looking.