As I mentioned the bike is in great condition minus the small things from riding. The bike runs great and has a clean title. I am the second owner of the bike and I put some work into the bike but I know I can barely get what I put into back but I know that this bike is a great bike to have. The bike has several upgrades which some of them include 8 in adjustable stretch with new sprockets and chain. integrated rear turn signal. lollipop lowering links that are adjustable. and a power commander. Those are some the upgrades but I can answer any questions needed. Overall the main reason that I am letting go of the one thing that I said I would never get rid of is the fact that I have a substantial event that I have to take care of dealing with my family. I know that this bike could be a bike that would be good to learn on just have to be careful because it has a fair amount of power. I know that stretching a bike takes away from the cornering but that would be about a 20 min job to change it all back to the original stats. I am asking $5000 OBO but please try not to low ball me too much. In addition to the bike being for sale but I also have the riding gear as well as a transportation trailer that can hold one or two bikes for transport. If your interested feel free to let me know and we can talk about it.