This is a project bike that I can not finish. I am buying a house and need the money. She is a Victory 92 cubic inch. Cruiser. I have done some custom work to make her a Fat Boy Bobber. This bike was running two years ago and only has 13000 miles. She has set. and I pulled the tank. seat and the bags. I installed a new battery and she has full compression. I only have the split fat bob tanks propped and they will need to be mounted with some custom brackets. The solo seat is wedged into place and will need to be secured. I will include the center dash plate as well as the fuel petcock. I have not tried to run fuel into the system. She has great compression. She has brembo brakes and like new harley tires. The brakes all grab and the tranny shifts in and out of gear. Like I said she is a project so only bid if you are buying as is. The title is from Florida and is clear. I never registered the bike. so the title is signed from the previous owner and ready to fill in for the new owner (see photo). She has porker style turn out pipes and floor boards with heal toe shifter. She also has been modified with mini ape hangers.