hi I bought this bike last year in May and did a ton of research before buying. Was only able to ride 1k miles last year and thought id get more in with road trips and such. Baby #2 is due the 18th of this month and I know ill have less time to ride in the years to come. I would love to sell it but I don't need to take a bath on it. so please consider if youd accept the offer your making before sending your offer. Id like to think the price I set is fair. the only modifications I had done were the front and rear turn signals being changed to LEDs. I have the stock ones that can go with the bike. I also have an uninstalled swept exhaust that I've listed here you can have with the full offer price there is also a La Rosa solo bag with mount on the left of the bike. lastly you can have my size L helmet and Xl Brown Leather Riding jacket if you want it. ill have no use for either. any questions You have please ask. thanks